Is it possible to play DVD Video ISO-files on a DreamBox

  • I’m converting our children’s DVDs into ISO-files and lets them use a standalone mediaplayer (TViX-M3000U ) to watch them. The TViX handles the ISO-files as DVDs with menus and all.

    Is it possible to use the DreamBox as a standalone mediaplayer and play DVD Video ISO-files either from the local disk or from a NAS disc? My alternative is unfortunately to upgrade my old TViX to a newer version with network connection.

  • Yes, but you may have issues with the sound. Standard DVD can be played as well and mostly have AC3 sound, hence, the dreambox outputs it via the digital sound port only.


    Dreambox 800/7020, 250 GB HDD, 100 Mbit Lan

  • You don't need anything special. Simply open the DVD files using the browser in "file mode". That's all.

    Have fun.


    Dreambox 800/7020, 250 GB HDD, 100 Mbit Lan