hiJack daemon Alpha Kit has arrived 4 Testing

  • Hallo Leute !

    Nachdem die derzeitigen LCD Anzeige Probleme mit Images über die hier nicht gesprochen wird eine gute Motivation sind mal was anderes aufs LCD display zu zaubern, ist hier der hiJack daemon als Alpha Kit zum Testen und erstes Feedback und Infos für die Entwicklung geben.

    Die erste offizielle Version (1.0) wird dann aber wahrscheinlich so wie Multiboot für die DMM 7025 über www.oozoon.de zum runterladen sein.

    Bitte seit Euch bewusst das das Teil noch mehr als buggy ist und Ihr evt. das Image neuflashen müsst um es wieder loszuwerden (gerade beim rebooten passieren komische Sachen).

    Hier erstmals das readme.txt damit Ihr wisst was Euch erwartet - und was (noch) nicht !
    Hello folks !

    The current LCD displaying problems with images about which we are not talking about here are a good motivation to have something else showing up on the LCD, so here is the hiJack daemon as Alpha Kit for testing and giving first feedback & inputs for development.

    The first official version (1.0) will be probably downloadable via www.oozoon.de. similar to the Multiboot kit.

    Please be aware that development is in an early stage and that hiJack is still buggy, it could easily be that you have to re-flash the image to get rid of hiJack again (especially on reboot strange things are happening)

    Here comes the readme.txt so that you can find out what you can expect and works (almost).


    hiJack for Dreambox 7025 Version 0.71 by gutemine from 1. December 2006
    Thanks to everybody from whom I stole code pieces - the list is simply
    too long for a short readme.txt !
    hiJack is FREEWARE, but this means also that nobody takes
    responsibility if anything goes wrong :winking_face:
    Release infos - Well, at the moment it is an Alpha Version,
    so don't expect too much !!!
    0.71B Second public Alpha version to collect feedback and input for development
    and have the people suffer less from empty LCD displays :smiling_face:
    Includes also LCD Manager Plugin for permanently switching to clock/bitmap

    1) Prerequisites

    Any DMM 7025 box with any Image should do, because hiJack is
    an extra daemon running completely independent from enigma2.

    BUT it is still in an early stage, hence it is NOT working
    stable, major features are still not working or even implemented,
    but who cares if he has fun testing it ?

    2) Installation

    First copy the hiJackXX.tar.bz2 file from hiJackXX.zip
    to /var/tmp with ftp (TCP/IP must be working already).

    If you have flashed an image that offer in Blue Pannel Manual
    Addon Installation you can use this functionality to extract
    the kit and restart reboot the dreambox (instead of doing
    it manually).

    If not, then unpack the whole files by entering the following
    commands in a Telnet session. The cd / ist important, because
    kit is now built with full filenames including directories,
    and the reboot is needed to run hiJack as a daemon:

    > cd /
    > bunzip2 /var/tmp/hiJackXX.tar.bz2
    > tar -xvf /var/tmp/hiJackXX.tar
    > shutdown -r now

    Now your hiJack dameon should be started during reboot and do
    terrible things to your dreambox !

    3) Daemon Usage

    Well, the main Usage at the moment is relatively simple, the
    hiJack dameon will simply take over the LCD and display a large
    Clock on it - sometimes - prefereably when in Standby.

    Unless you created a bitmap logo, in this case
    this will be shown instead of the clock !

    For the more interesting stuff press the Lame/EXIT Button
    longer (3-5 secs). This will then hiJack your Dreambox !

    Enigma is stoppend immediately and the Dreambox is locked
    against usage !

    This means that until you enter the PIN to bring enigma back
    to live your dreambox is not usable for watching TV or recording
    anything. Only Linux is still fully running and can do terrible
    things to your dreambox :winking_face:

    At the moment all these terrible things are not yet implemented,
    so don't be scared, only for test purpose of the framebuffer based
    hiJack menu interface you can show Remote Control commands - this
    feature will be later used to record Remote Control Macros.

    Presing EXIT/Lame pressed shortly will bring you back to main menu
    of hiJack.

    So the only real thing you can do at the moment
    is to enter the PIN and hope that hiJack releases the Dreambox
    and allows enigma2 to start again !

    At the moment the PIN is Hardcoded to 4475 (will be changeable in
    future Versions). After successfull entering it and pressing OK
    choose exit in the hiJack Main Menu and start praying that
    enigma2 recovers from this brutal hiJack - if not well there
    is a Power Button and you can reboot the Dreambox !

    Unfortunately hiJack remembers a hiJack, so even after a reboot
    it could be that it doesn't release enigma2 - you can get rid of this
    rude behaviour by doing in telnet (don't tell your kids if you use
    hiJack as ultimate TV Lock !):

    rm /etc/enigma2/.hijacked

    This is all I can tell you for the moment for your first
    experience with hiJack, please try out and give feedback
    if and what works, what YOU think it should do, because at
    the moment it is just a pile of code snippets doing something
    usefull - sometimes ...

    4) CLI Usage

    You can play with hiJack also from the commandlanguage - simply
    stop the daemon in telnet and start it interactively:

    /etc/init.d/hiJack stop
    hiJack -h

    This will list the possible commands, find out yourself if they work !!!

    5) LCD Bitmaps

    There is an example Logo Bitmap included.


    The pinguin1 file is a standard windows bitmap saved
    in monochrome (plain black & white) and
    the pinguin16 is the same saved as bitmap file with
    16 Colors. These are the only 2 fileformats currently
    supported by the LCD bitmap viewer of hiJack. Use
    a plain painting programm like MS Paint on a PC to change
    them if you want, but you have to keep the 64x120 Pixel

    You can view these bitmaps on the DMM 7025 LCD with
    the hijack -l filename option, or you copy
    one of them or your self created one to lcdlogo.bmp
    in the /etc/enigma2 directory, then it will be shown
    of the daemon instead of the LCD Digital clock.

    6) Sourcecode

    Sourcecode of hiJack is currently not public - it is simply
    too UGLY to look at - if you want to integrate any of the
    functionality to your image either reverse enigneer it, or
    ask the author kindly and with good reasons for the
    codepiece you want.

    He will then dry clean it and maybe hand it over for a
    huge amount of Thank Yous - BEFORE you looked at the code,
    because afterwards probably you will use not so
    friendly words not appropiate when children are
    listening !

    Enjoy having your DM 7025 beeing hiJacked !

  • Anbei noch eine kleine Logosammlung von der d-box Seite für die Leute mit Spieltrieb.

    Mit hiJack logofilenamen.bmp -i kann man die logos übrigens invertiert anschauen - wenn es jemanden dann besser gefällt, einfach im mspaint Farben invertieren auswählen und neu speichern.
