eListBoxEntryMulti selection change

  • Hi,

    I'm writing som code to try to understand/learn.
    And have set up a new menu opened from the expert seup menu.
    In this menu I have set up a choice list equal to the infobar timeout and an eListBoxEntryCheck.
    The infobar code is exactly the same as in the CVS (listed below).
    Everything compiles correctly, but when I try to press right when the infobar timeout setting is selected I'm just moved to the bottom of the menu. Pressing left moves me to the top of the menu.

    In the orignial extra settings menu this is not the case.

    What am I missing ??

  • OK, done a bit more investigating.

    Is I set up a eListBoxEntryMulti (like the timeout_infobar) in an eSetupWindow I cannot change the value of this listbox by pressing left or right. That just shift the "cursor" to either the top or bottom of the menu.

    If I set up a eListBox<eListBoxEntryText> in an eWindow the left/right pressing works.
    Could this be because of the setFlags(eListBox<eListBoxEntryText>::flagNoUpDownMovement); setting ?

    If so, is there a similar setting for the eListBoxEntryMulti ?

  • Found it myself actually.
    The setting was:


    It was in the code but I somehow missed it :smiling_face: