Opening an image file on a PC?

  • Box type: DM500C

    Hi all,

    I was wondering if there is software or a simple tool that will allow an image file to be opened on a PC?

    For example,

    Say I want to extract the cables.xml or satellite.xml file from an image but don't want to flash the image to my dreambox.

    Is this possible?

    Many thanks!

  • And with what OS do You wanna do that? :confused_face:

    JET/Jtvos/Jtv Team

    CLi Team Images Design

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by Devilfish
    It would be on a Windows XP machine.

    Not possible. You can do that only on Your Dreambox.
    For editing cables.xml or satellite.xml file, use text editor on PC and upload file with FTP o Dreambox.

    JET/Jtvos/Jtv Team

    CLi Team Images Design