about the password

  • hi, every one, when i compile image, i want to change the password ,from dreambox to mybox, i have changed chttpdconfig.h, but the password still is dreambox, what is the problem?

    void load()
    CConfigFile *Config = new CConfigFile(',');
    if (Config->loadConfig(CHTTPD_CONFIGFILE))
    AutoStart = Config->getBool("AutoStart");
    Port = Config->getInt32("Port");
    THREADS = Config->getBool("THREADS");
    Verbose = Config->getBool("VERBOSE");
    Log = Config->getBool("LOG");
    MustAuthenticate = Config->getBool("Authenticate");
    PrivateDocumentRoot = Config->getString("PrivateDocRoot");
    PublicDocumentRoot = Config->getString("PublicDocRoot");
    AuthUser = Config->getString("AuthUser");
    AuthPassword = "mybox";
    AutoStart = false;
    Port = 8085;
    THREADS = true;
    Verbose = false;
    Log = false;
    MustAuthenticate = false;
    PrivateDocumentRoot = PRIVATEDOCUMENTROOT;
    PublicDocumentRoot = PUBLICDOCUMENTROOT;
    AuthUser = "root";
    AuthPassword = "mybox";
    delete Config;

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by lanron
    nobody know that???

    Yes, yes, they know but don't wanna say. Board rulez :grinning_squinting_face:

    JET/Jtvos/Jtv Team

    CLi Team Images Design

  • die passwd file wird beim dieser command runter geladen

    export CVS_RSH=ssh
    cvs -d anoncvs@cvs.tuxbox.org:/cvs/tuxbox -z3 co -P -rdreambox .

    so das kan mann doch nicht's ändern glaube ich

    I tryed to build my own img for my dm500s and dm7000s and they are running :smiling_face:
    and its fun making img for my dreams and im learning mostly every day :smiling_face:
