help reflash 800se

  • hi can someone help me please
    i have a dreambox 800se with a newnigma2 (older) image
    i having trouble reflashing new image
    i'm accessing the dreambox page normally thru the browser but after choosing the image to upload the page remains stuck

    also am having trouble connecting the dreambox edit to update channel list
    when testing the IP, the box gives an error whilst when checking the user/password it is correct

    now i am trying to update image by using the usb to mini usb port using dreamup
    can anyone direct me as to how i have to go about it
    thank you in advance

    black holes are where God divided by zero

  • This seems like the really good known browser problem. Older second-stage-loaders are having problems with some (newer) browsers, so the upload/flash via browser doesn't work correctly.

    Try using an older browser, especially Firefox branch 3.x instead. By flashing a new image you will get a newer second-stage-loader also, which will allow to use newer browsers for future flashing.

    How can we win, when fools can be kings?