DM500HD OE 2.0 bug in programming mode

  • In OE 1.6 you could see on tv screen the network data while in programming mode. With OE 2.0 it disapperead !! Unless you have a pc and a little bit of network knowledge to find the box ip or use the usb cable, there is no way to program it. It was a nice function to have.

  • In OE 1.6 you could see on tv screen the network data while in programming mode. With OE 2.0 it disapperead !! Unless you have a pc and a little bit of network knowledge to find the box ip or use the usb cable, there is no way to program it. It was a nice function to have.

    yes you are right, on DM500HD it is and important and i would also say a " must have" function. I also hope DMM will ficx this bug soon

    thank you