DM500hd - does not store positioner position??

  • Hello.
    I have just bought dm500hd and postioner with diseq 1.3 support and usals.

    I get 100% on thor and sirius but when switching to 13E og 16E motor does not allign correctly. I need to move it manually(using dreambox positioner meny) and then I get the signal just fine.(85%). I then store this to correct sat position but as soon as I go back to the some channel on that satelite it start to move.
    I lookes like it does not save my corrected postion.
    My long and lat are good in the setup.
    Is there a bug or maybe I am doing something wrong?
    Same If I fhysicale turn my dish to get the signal on 13 and 16, when switching to thor or sirius the signal is lost. Looks like the positioner does not move enough.

    Any solution ..please?