7020-s and 7020-si : compatible to flash ?

  • Hello to all

    Please excuse my bad english.
    I will buy a new 7020-si
    Is the 7020-si compatible with 7020-s ?
    I found only a 7020 image on the dream multimedia site.
    Is the flash procedure the same ? (press down and power button to stop the boot and flash via firefox ? )

    Thank you in advance


  • @ pearlfr

    7025+ uses Enigma2, this is much newer then Enigma1.
    Less people develop new plugins for Enigma1, Enigma 2 is the Software where you can get a lot of new plugins.
    Even with the hardware of the 7025 you are better prepared for future. (Changeable dual Tuner ....).

    mfg fmx