Has someone tried to create a compile recipe for enigma2 on X86 PC hardware with Linux V4l?

  • Sorry to use English here, my German wrting skills are not that good,i.e the keyboard is not translating my German phonetics very well to correct spelled words -;)

    I question, has it ever been tried to create a enigma2 compile environment for a vanilla X86 PC platform using V4L video/dvb drivers and the frame buffer processing handled via X11 ( possibly optimized for VPAU interface)?

    I have played a bit with mythtv, but it is not very good for interactive (zapping) tv watching. Channel management is a horror, I quickly ended up with a corrupted database, selecting one channel resulted in myth tuning into a completely diferent channel.

    I would very much like to use enigma2 ( using a dm7025 at the moment).
    I suspect the majority of the work is adding the video processing bit. The code from the mythtv frontend could be used for this I guess.

    Interested in info if this has been attempted before.


    PS,it's fine to respond in German. :winking_face: