# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # for localized messages #from __init__ import _ from enigma import eTimer, eEnv, eNetworkManager from Screens.Screen import Screen from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap from Components.Sources.List import List from Components.Sources.StaticText import StaticText from Components.Network import iNetworkInfo, NetworkInterface from Components.config import getConfigListEntry, ConfigIP from Components.ConfigList import ConfigListScreen from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename, SCOPE_PLUGINS from Tools.LoadPixmap import LoadPixmap from Tools.Log import Log from cPickle import dump, load from os import path as os_path, stat, mkdir, remove from time import time from stat import ST_MTIME import netscan from MountManager import AutoMountManager from AutoMount import iAutoMount from MountEdit import AutoMountEdit from UserDialog import UserDialog def write_cache(cache_file, cache_data): #Does a cPickle dump if not os_path.isdir( os_path.dirname(cache_file) ): try: mkdir( os_path.dirname(cache_file) ) except OSError: print os_path.dirname(cache_file), '[Networkbrowser] is a file' fd = open(cache_file, 'w') dump(cache_data, fd, -1) fd.close() def valid_cache(cache_file, cache_ttl): #See if the cache file exists and is still living try: mtime = stat(cache_file)[ST_MTIME] except: return 0 curr_time = time() if (curr_time - mtime) > cache_ttl: return 0 else: return 1 def load_cache(cache_file): #Does a cPickle load fd = open(cache_file) cache_data = load(fd) fd.close() return cache_data class NetworkDescriptor: def __init__(self, name = "NetworkServer", description = ""): self.name = name self.description = description class NetworkBrowser(Screen): skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaTest(pos = (0, 0), size = (48, 48), png = 1), # index 1 is the expandable/expanded/verticalline icon MultiContentEntryText(pos = (50, 4), size = (420, 26), font=2, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 2), # index 2 is the Hostname MultiContentEntryText(pos = (140, 5), size = (320, 25), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 3), # index 3 is the sharename MultiContentEntryText(pos = (140, 26), size = (320, 17), font=1, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 4), # index 4 is the sharedescription MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaTest(pos = (45, 0), size = (48, 48), png = 5), # index 5 is the nfs/cifs icon MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaTest(pos = (90, 0), size = (48, 48), png = 6), # index 6 is the isMounted icon ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 20),gFont("Regular", 14),gFont("Regular", 24)], "itemHeight": 50 } """ def __init__(self, session, iface,plugin_path): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skin_path = plugin_path self.session = session self.iface = iface services = eNetworkManager.getInstance().getServices() for service in services: key = self.getServiceIF(service) if key != None: self.iface = key if self.iface is None: self.iface = 'eth0' self.networklist = None self.device = None self.mounts = None self.expanded = [] self.cache_ttl = 604800 #Seconds cache is considered valid, 7 Days should be ok self.cache_file = eEnv.resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/networkbrowser.cache") #Path to cache directory self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Close")) self["key_green"] = StaticText(_("Mounts management")) self["key_yellow"] = StaticText(_("Rescan")) self["key_blue"] = StaticText(_("Expert")) self["infotext"] = StaticText(_("Press OK to mount!")) self["shortcuts"] = ActionMap(["ShortcutActions", "WizardActions"], { "ok": self.go, "back": self.close, "red": self.close, "green": self.keyGreen, "yellow": self.keyYellow, "blue": self.keyBlue, }) self.list = [] self.statuslist = [] self.listindex = 0 self["list"] = List(self.list) self["list"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.selectionChanged) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.startRun) self.onShown.append(self.setWindowTitle) self.onClose.append(self.cleanup) self.Timer = eTimer() self.Timer_conn = self.Timer.timeout.connect(self.TimerFire) def getServiceIF(self, service): key = None if service.state() == eNetworkManager.STATE_ONLINE: iface = NetworkInterface(service) key = iface.ethernet.interface return key def cleanup(self): del self.Timer iAutoMount.stopMountConsole() def startRun(self): self.expanded = [] self.setStatus('update') self.mounts = iAutoMount.getMountsList() self["infotext"].setText("") self.vc = valid_cache(self.cache_file, self.cache_ttl) if self.cache_ttl > 0 and self.vc != 0: self.process_NetworkIPs() else: self.Timer.start(3000) def TimerFire(self): self.Timer.stop() self.process_NetworkIPs() def setWindowTitle(self): self.setTitle(_("Browse network neighbourhood")) def keyGreen(self): self.session.open(AutoMountManager, None, self.skin_path) def keyYellow(self): if (os_path.exists(self.cache_file) == True): remove(self.cache_file) self.startRun() def keyBlue(self): self.session.openWithCallback(self.scanIPclosed,ScanIP) def scanIPclosed(self,result): if result[0]: if result[1] == "address": print "[Networkbrowser] got IP:",result[1] nwlist = [] nwlist.append(netscan.netInfo(result[0] + "/24")) self.networklist += nwlist[0] elif result[1] == "nfs": self.networklist.append(['host', result[0], result[0] , '00:00:00:00:00:00', result[0], 'Master Browser']) if len(self.networklist) > 0: write_cache(self.cache_file, self.networklist) self.updateHostsList() def setStatus(self,status = None): if status: self.statuslist = [] if status == 'update': statuspng = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/update.png")) self.statuslist.append(( ['info'], statuspng, _("Searching your network. Please wait..."), None, None, None, None )) self['list'].setList(self.statuslist) elif status == 'error': statuspng = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/error.png")) self.statuslist.append(( ['info'], statuspng, _("No network devices found!"), None, None, None, None )) self['list'].setList(self.statuslist) def process_NetworkIPs(self): self.inv_cache = 0 self.vc = valid_cache(self.cache_file, self.cache_ttl) if self.cache_ttl > 0 and self.vc != 0: print '[Networkbrowser] Loading network cache from ',self.cache_file try: self.networklist = load_cache(self.cache_file) except: self.inv_cache = 1 if self.cache_ttl == 0 or self.inv_cache == 1 or self.vc == 0: print '[Networkbrowser] Getting fresh network list' self.networklist = self.getNetworkIPs() write_cache(self.cache_file, self.networklist) if len(self.networklist) > 0: self.updateHostsList() else: self.setStatus('error') def getNetworkIPs(self): nwlist = [] sharelist = [] self.IP = iNetworkInfo.getConfiguredInterfaces()[self.iface].ipv4.address.split(".") if len(self.IP): strIP = "%s.0/24" %( ".".join(self.IP[0:3]) ) Log.i(strIP) nwlist.append(netscan.netInfo(strIP)) tmplist = nwlist[0] return tmplist def getNetworkShares(self,hostip,hostname,devicetype): sharelist = [] self.sharecache_file = None self.sharecache_file = eEnv.resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/") + hostname.strip() + '.cache' #Path to cache directory if os_path.exists(self.sharecache_file): print '[Networkbrowser] Loading userinfo from ',self.sharecache_file try: self.hostdata = load_cache(self.sharecache_file) username = self.hostdata['username'] password = self.hostdata['password'] except: username = "username" password = "password" else: username = "username" password = "password" if devicetype == 'unix': smblist=netscan.smbShare(hostip,hostname,username,password) for x in smblist: if len(x) == 6: if x[3] != 'IPC$': sharelist.append(x) nfslist=netscan.nfsShare(hostip,hostname) for x in nfslist: if len(x) == 6: sharelist.append(x) else: smblist=netscan.smbShare(hostip,hostname,username,password) for x in smblist: if len(x) == 6: if x[3] != 'IPC$': sharelist.append(x) return sharelist def updateHostsList(self): self.list = [] self.network = {} for x in self.networklist: if not self.network.has_key(x[2]): self.network[x[2]] = [] self.network[x[2]].append((NetworkDescriptor(name = x[1], description = x[2]), x)) for x in self.network.keys(): hostentry = self.network[x][0][1] name = hostentry[2] + " ( " +hostentry[1].strip() + " )" expandableIcon = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/host.png")) self.list.append(( hostentry, expandableIcon, name, None, None, None, None )) if len(self.list): for entry in self.list: entry[0][2]= "%3s.%3s.%3s.%3s" % tuple(entry[0][2].split(".")) self.list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0][2]) for entry in self.list: entry[0][2]= entry[0][2].replace(" ", "") self["list"].setList(self.list) self["list"].setIndex(self.listindex) def updateNetworkList(self): self.list = [] self.network = {} self.mounts = iAutoMount.getMountsList() # reloading mount list for x in self.networklist: if not self.network.has_key(x[2]): self.network[x[2]] = [] self.network[x[2]].append((NetworkDescriptor(name = x[1], description = x[2]), x)) self.network.keys().sort() for x in self.network.keys(): if self.network[x][0][1][3] == '00:00:00:00:00:00': self.device = 'unix' else: self.device = 'windows' if x in self.expanded: networkshares = self.getNetworkShares(x,self.network[x][0][1][1].strip(),self.device) hostentry = self.network[x][0][1] name = hostentry[2] + " ( " +hostentry[1].strip() + " )" expandedIcon = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/host.png")) self.list.append(( hostentry, expandedIcon, name, None, None, None, None )) for share in networkshares: self.list.append(self.BuildNetworkShareEntry(share)) else: # HOSTLIST - VIEW hostentry = self.network[x][0][1] name = hostentry[2] + " ( " +hostentry[1].strip() + " )" expandableIcon = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/host.png")) self.list.append(( hostentry, expandableIcon, name, None, None, None, None )) if len(self.list): for entry in self.list: entry[0][2]= "%3s.%3s.%3s.%3s" % tuple(entry[0][2].split(".")) self.list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0][2]) for entry in self.list: entry[0][2]= entry[0][2].replace(" ", "") self["list"].setList(self.list) self["list"].setIndex(self.listindex) def BuildNetworkShareEntry(self,share): verticallineIcon = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/verticalLine.png")) sharetype = share[0] localsharename = share[1] sharehost = share[2] if sharetype == 'smbShare': sharedir = share[3] sharedescription = share[5] else: sharedir = share[4] sharedescription = share[3] if sharetype == 'nfsShare': newpng = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/i-nfs.png")) else: newpng = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/i-smb.png")) self.isMounted = False for sharename, sharedata in self.mounts.items(): if sharedata['ip'] == sharehost: if sharetype == 'nfsShare' and sharedata['mounttype'] == 'nfs': if sharedir == sharedata['sharedir']: if sharedata["isMounted"] is True: self.isMounted = True if sharetype == 'smbShare' and sharedata['mounttype'] == 'cifs': if sharedir == sharedata['sharedir']: if sharedata["isMounted"] is True: self.isMounted = True if self.isMounted is True: isMountedpng = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/ok.png")) else: isMountedpng = LoadPixmap(cached=True, path=resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "SystemPlugins/NetworkBrowser/icons/cancel.png")) return((share, verticallineIcon, None, sharedir, sharedescription, newpng, isMountedpng)) def selectionChanged(self): current = self["list"].getCurrent() self.listindex = self["list"].getIndex() if current: if len(current[0]) >= 2: if current[0][0] in ("nfsShare", "smbShare"): self["infotext"].setText(_("Press OK to mount this share!")) else: selectedhost = current[0][2] if selectedhost in self.expanded: self["infotext"].setText(_("Press OK to collapse this host")) else: self["infotext"].setText(_("Press OK to expand this host")) def go(self): sel = self["list"].getCurrent() if sel is None: return if len(sel[0]) <= 1: return selectedhost = sel[0][2] selectedhostname = sel[0][1] self.hostcache_file = None if sel[0][0] == 'host': # host entry selected if selectedhost in self.expanded: self.expanded.remove(selectedhost) self.updateNetworkList() else: self.hostcache_file = None self.hostcache_file = eEnv.resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/") + selectedhostname.strip() + '.cache' #Path to cache directory if os_path.exists(self.hostcache_file): print '[Networkbrowser] Loading userinfo cache from ',self.hostcache_file try: self.hostdata = load_cache(self.hostcache_file) self.passwordQuestion(False) except: self.session.openWithCallback(self.passwordQuestion, MessageBox, (_("Do you want to enter a username and password for this host?\n") ) ) else: self.session.openWithCallback(self.passwordQuestion, MessageBox, (_("Do you want to enter a username and password for this host?\n") ) ) if sel[0][0] == 'nfsShare': # share entry selected print '[Networkbrowser] sel nfsShare' self.openMountEdit(sel[0]) if sel[0][0] == 'smbShare': # share entry selected print '[Networkbrowser] sel cifsShare' self.hostcache_file = None self.hostcache_file = eEnv.resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/") + selectedhostname.strip() + '.cache' #Path to cache directory if os_path.exists(self.hostcache_file): print '[Networkbrowser] userinfo found from ',self.sharecache_file self.openMountEdit(sel[0]) else: self.session.openWithCallback(self.passwordQuestion, MessageBox, (_("Do you want to enter a username and password for this host?\n") ) ) def passwordQuestion(self, ret = False): sel = self["list"].getCurrent() selectedhost = sel[0][2] selectedhostname = sel[0][1] if (ret == True): self.session.openWithCallback(self.UserDialogClosed, UserDialog, self.skin_path, selectedhostname.strip()) else: if sel[0][0] == 'host': # host entry selected if selectedhost in self.expanded: self.expanded.remove(selectedhost) else: self.expanded.append(selectedhost) self.updateNetworkList() if sel[0][0] == 'nfsShare': # share entry selected self.openMountEdit(sel[0]) if sel[0][0] == 'smbShare': # share entry selected self.openMountEdit(sel[0]) def UserDialogClosed(self, *ret): if ret is not None and len(ret): self.go() def openMountEdit(self, selection): if selection is not None and len(selection): mounts = iAutoMount.getMountsList() if selection[0] == 'nfsShare': # share entry selected #Initialize blank mount enty data = { 'isMounted': False, 'active': False, 'ip': False, 'sharename': False, 'sharedir': False, 'username': False, 'password': False, 'mounttype' : False, 'options' : False } # add data data['mounttype'] = 'nfs' data['active'] = True data['ip'] = selection[2] data['sharename'] = selection[1] data['sharedir'] = selection[4] data['options'] = "rw,nolock,tcp" for sharename, sharedata in mounts.items(): if sharedata['ip'] == selection[2] and sharedata['sharedir'] == selection[4]: data = sharedata self.session.openWithCallback(self.MountEditClosed,AutoMountEdit, self.skin_path, data) if selection[0] == 'smbShare': # share entry selected #Initialize blank mount enty data = { 'isMounted': False, 'active': False, 'ip': False, 'sharename': False, 'sharedir': False, 'username': False, 'password': False, 'mounttype' : False, 'options' : False } # add data data['mounttype'] = 'cifs' data['active'] = True data['ip'] = selection[2] data['sharename'] = selection[1] data['sharedir'] = selection[3] data['options'] = "rw" self.sharecache_file = None self.sharecache_file = eEnv.resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/") + selection[1].strip() + '.cache' #Path to cache directory if os_path.exists(self.sharecache_file): print '[Networkbrowser] Loading userinfo from ',self.sharecache_file try: self.hostdata = load_cache(self.sharecache_file) data['username'] = self.hostdata['username'] data['password'] = self.hostdata['password'] except: data['username'] = "username" data['password'] = "password" else: data['username'] = "username" data['password'] = "password" for sharename, sharedata in mounts.items(): if sharedata['ip'] == selection[2].strip() and sharedata['sharedir'] == selection[3].strip(): data = sharedata self.session.openWithCallback(self.MountEditClosed,AutoMountEdit, self.skin_path, data) def MountEditClosed(self, returnValue = None): if returnValue == None: self.updateNetworkList() class ScanIP(Screen, ConfigListScreen): skin = """ """ def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.session = session self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Cancel")) self["key_green"] = StaticText(_("Scan NFS share")) self["key_yellow"] = StaticText(_("Scan range")) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions"], { "back": self.exit, "red": self.exit, "cancel": self.exit, "green": self.goNfs, "yellow": self.goAddress, }, -1) self.ipAddress = ConfigIP(default=[0,0,0,0]) ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, [ getConfigListEntry(_("IP Address"), self.ipAddress), ], self.session) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.layoutFinished) def exit(self): self.close((None,None)) def layoutFinished(self): self.setWindowTitle() def setWindowTitle(self): self.setTitle(_("Enter IP to scan...")) def goAddress(self): if self.ipAddress.getText() != "": self.close((self.ipAddress.getText(), "address")) else: self.exit def goNfs(self): if self.ipAddress.getText() != "": self.close((self.ipAddress.getText(), "nfs")) else: self.exit