filename: /root/88x2bu.ko version: v5.2.4.1_22719.20170613_COEX20170518-4444 author: Realtek Semiconductor Corp. description: Realtek Wireless Lan Driver license: GPL srcversion: 533BB7E5866E52F63B9ACCB alias: usb:v7392pC822d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin* alias: usb:v7392pB822d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin* alias: usb:v0BDApB812d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin* alias: usb:v0BDApB82Cd*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin* alias: usb:v0B05p184Cd*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in* alias: usb:v7392pB822d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in* alias: usb:v0B05p1812d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in* depends: vermagic: 3.14-1.17-dm900 SMP mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 parm: rtw_ips_mode:The default IPS mode (int) parm: rtw_lps_level:The default LPS level (int) parm: rtw_usb_rxagg_mode:int parm: rtw_dynamic_agg_enable:int parm: rtw_drv_log_level:set log level when insert driver module, default log level is _DRV_INFO_ = 4 (uint) parm: rtw_tx_bw_mode:The max tx bw for 2.4G and 5G. format is the same as rtw_bw_mode (uint) parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_1ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 1SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint) parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_2ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 2SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint) parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_3ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 3SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint) parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_4ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 4SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint) parm: rtw_vht_enable:int parm: rtw_vht_rx_mcs_map:VHT RX MCS map (uint) parm: rtw_rf_config:int parm: rtw_country_code:The default country code (in alpha2) (charp) parm: rtw_channel_plan:The default chplan ID when rtw_alpha2 is not specified or valid (int) parm: rtw_excl_chs:exclusive channel array (array of uint) parm: rtw_btcoex_enable:BT co-existence on/off, 0:off, 1:on, 2:by efuse (int) parm: rtw_ant_num:Antenna number setting, 0:by efuse (int) parm: rtw_force_igi_lb:force IGI low-bound, 0:no specified (int) parm: rtw_qos_opt_enable:int parm: ifname:The default name to allocate for first interface (charp) parm: if2name:The default name to allocate for second interface (charp) parm: rtw_pwrtrim_enable:int parm: rtw_initmac:charp parm: rtw_special_rf_path:int parm: rtw_chip_version:int parm: rtw_rfintfs:int parm: rtw_lbkmode:int parm: rtw_network_mode:int parm: rtw_channel:int parm: rtw_mp_mode:int parm: rtw_wmm_enable:int parm: rtw_vrtl_carrier_sense:int parm: rtw_vcs_type:int parm: rtw_busy_thresh:int parm: rtw_ht_enable:int parm: rtw_bw_mode:int parm: rtw_ampdu_enable:int parm: rtw_rx_stbc:int parm: rtw_ampdu_amsdu:int parm: rtw_lowrate_two_xmit:int parm: rtw_power_mgnt:int parm: rtw_smart_ps:int parm: rtw_low_power:int parm: rtw_wifi_spec:int parm: rtw_full_ch_in_p2p_handshake:int parm: rtw_antdiv_cfg:int parm: rtw_antdiv_type:int parm: rtw_drv_ant_band_switch:int parm: rtw_switch_usb_mode:int parm: rtw_enusbss:int parm: rtw_hwpdn_mode:int parm: rtw_hwpwrp_detect:int parm: rtw_hw_wps_pbc:int parm: rtw_check_hw_status:int parm: rtw_max_roaming_times:The max roaming times to try (uint) parm: rtw_mc2u_disable:int parm: rtw_80211d:Enable 802.11d mechanism (int) parm: rtw_notch_filter:0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Enable only for P2P (uint) parm: rtw_hiq_filter:0:allow all, 1:allow special, 2:deny all (uint) parm: rtw_adaptivity_en:0:disable, 1:enable (uint) parm: rtw_adaptivity_mode:0:normal, 1:carrier sense (uint) parm: rtw_adaptivity_dml:0:disable, 1:enable (uint) parm: rtw_adaptivity_dc_backoff:DC backoff for Adaptivity (uint) parm: rtw_adaptivity_th_l2h_ini:th_l2h_ini for Adaptivity (int) parm: rtw_adaptivity_th_edcca_hl_diff:th_edcca_hl_diff for Adaptivity (int) parm: rtw_amplifier_type_2g:BIT3:2G ext-PA, BIT4:2G ext-LNA (uint) parm: rtw_amplifier_type_5g:BIT6:5G ext-PA, BIT7:5G ext-LNA (uint) parm: rtw_RFE_type:default init value:64 (uint) parm: rtw_powertracking_type:default init value:64 (uint) parm: rtw_GLNA_type:default init value:0 (uint) parm: rtw_TxBBSwing_2G:default init value:0xFF (uint) parm: rtw_TxBBSwing_5G:default init value:0xFF (uint) parm: rtw_OffEfuseMask:default open Efuse Mask value:0 (uint) parm: rtw_FileMaskEfuse:default drv Mask Efuse value:0 (uint) parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_2g:default RF Gain 2G Offset value:0 (uint) parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_5gl:default RF Gain 5GL Offset value:0 (uint) parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_5gh:uint parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_5gm:default RF Gain 5GM Offset value:0 (uint) parm: rtw_pll_ref_clk_sel:force pll_ref_clk_sel, 0xF:use autoload value (uint) parm: rtw_tx_pwr_by_rate:0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2: Depend on efuse (int) parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_a:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path A for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int) parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_b:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path B for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int) parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_c:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path C for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int) parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_d:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path D for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int) parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_a:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path A for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int) parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_b:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path B for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int) parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_c:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path C for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int) parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_d:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path D for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int) parm: rtw_phy_file_path:The path of phy parameter (charp) parm: rtw_load_phy_file:PHY File Bit Map (int) parm: rtw_decrypt_phy_file:Enable Decrypt PHY File (int) parm: rtw_en_napi:int parm: rtw_en_gro:int parm: rtw_iqk_fw_offload:int