BCM74130011 012 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 Shmoo Version=3.8 DDR Freq=0x0000018C %00000001% RC1=00000003 WC1=FFFFFFE7 RC2=00000017 WC2=00000028 RC3=0000000D WC3=FFFFFFE8 RC4=0000000D WC4=0000003B NWC=00000011 RC5=00000003 WC5=00000011 RC6=00000016 WC6=00000011 NRC=0000000C RW=00000014 WW=00000054 G=00000000 R=0000000C W=00000011 BL=00000000 RC1=00000001 RC2=00000014 BL=00000001 RC1=00000004 RC2=00000014 BL=00000002 RC1=00000002 RC2=00000014 BL=00000003 RC1=00000006 RC2=00000019 BL=00000004 RC1=00000001 RC2=00000015 BL=00000005 RC1=00000003 RC2=00000019 BL=00000006 RC1=00000003 RC2=0000001B BL=00000007 RC1=00000006 RC2=0000001F 3 COPY CODE COMPARE CODE 4567 (c) 2007,2008 Dream Multimedia GmbH. All rights reserved. Dreambox DM500HD FIRST STAGE 1.2/400 {BE3E3E3E3E3} Second stage loader wasn't found. Don't panic - it's not a (real) problem. You don't need to repair your Dreambox. It just means that the flashrom with the graphical menu was erased. You can restore this with a tool like DreamUp with serial access. RESCUE{012} MICRO2ND OK, build #77 (20100517)