Beiträge von eagle

    --- a/packages/dreambox/
    +++ b/packages/dreambox/
    @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ KV_dm500plus = "2.6.12"
    PV_dm500plus = "${KV}-20080822"
    KV_dm800 = "2.6.12-5.1-brcmstb-dm800"
    -PV_dm800 = "${KV}-20090907"
    +PV_dm800 = "${KV}-20091005"
    KV_dm500hd = "2.6.12-5.1-brcmstb-dm500hd"
    PV_dm500hd = "${KV}-20090521"
    KV_dm8000 = "2.6.12-5.1-brcmstb-dm8000"
    -PV_dm8000 = "${KV}-20090907"
    +PV_dm8000 = "${KV}-20091005
    RDEPENDS = "kernel (${KV})"
    PR = "r0"

    " = IS MISSING after 20091005 :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    Where is the problem? thanks

    dm8000 /dm7025 + tuner DTT TU1216

    Some channels are tuned in my area but are not visible, the message attached appears.
    (No VPID, APID, PMTPID, only SID is present) the signal it's ok: 24db 100%

    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    In the same house with another decoder this channels are perfectly tuned... :confused_face: why?

    What tests can I do to understand the problem?

    Many thanks

    Don't work...

    Firefox Error console:

    Errore: Badly formed JSON string: 'TWISTED_SESSION=1ea57412a94516e361a12316c380b496'
    File sorgente:
    Riga: 33

    line 33:

    throw new SyntaxError('Badly formed JSON string: '+this.inspect());},include:function(pattern){return this.indexOf(pattern)>-1;},startsWith:function(pattern){return this.indexOf(pattern)===0;},endsWith:function(pattern){var d=this.length-pattern.length;return d>=0&&this.lastIndexOf(pattern)===d;},empty:function(){return this=='';},blank:function(){return/^\s*$/.test(this);},interpolate:function(object,pattern){return new Template(this,pattern).evaluate(object);}});if(Prototype.Browser.WebKit||Prototype.Browser.IE)Object.extend(String.prototype,{escapeHTML:function(){return this.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/>/g,'&gt;');},unescapeHTML:function(){return this.stripTags().replace(/&amp;/g,'&').replace(/&lt;/g,'<').replace(/&gt;/g,'>');}});String.prototype.gsub.prepareReplacement=function(replacement){if(Object.isFunction(replacement))return replacement;var template=new Template(replacement);return function(match){return template.evaluate(match)};};String.prototype.parseQuery=String.prototype.toQueryParams;Object.extend(String.prototype.escapeHTML,{div:document.createElement('div'),text:document.createTextNode('')});String.prototype.escapeHTML.div.appendChild(String.prototype.escapeHTML.text);var Template=Class.create({initialize:function(template,pattern){this.template=template.toString();this.pattern=pattern||Template.Pattern;},evaluate:function(object){if(Object.isFunction(object.toTemplateReplacements))

    Thanks a lot, I'll try for sure as soon as I could... :thumbs_up:
    But, (and I'm not asking to you... :winking_face: ) if it's so simple, why have we to go on with these "home made" patches, instead of having a strong, permanent solution into CVS sources (like once was...)?
    It seems to me that network transfert and harddisk managment are basical functions, surely not exotic options.... :confused_face:

    Perhaps the developers are not interested about the "old" dm7025... :loudly_crying_face:

    Only solution:


    # sleep after 10min
    hdparm -S 120 /dev/discs/disc1/disc
    echo 32 > /proc/progress
    # set UDMA66
    hdparm -X66 /dev/discs/disc1/disc
    echo 34 > /proc/progress
    # accustic management
    hdparm -M 254 /dev/discs/disc1/disc


    /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /media/cf          auto       defaults              0 0
    /dev/discs/disc1/part1 /media/hdd         auto       defaults              0 0

    Update cvs for dm7025?? :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    The image appears but the screen stays black (before no bootlogos) and the remote responds badly (but on display the video setup appears). (VIDEO VIA SCART)

    There is something wrong in the today updates...

    Perhaps this is?

    commit 28a0e997d1d28a6d057ede5e8de70f26ceed0e8e
    Author: Felix Domke <tmbinc at>
    Date:   Mon May 25 01:37:44 2009 +0200
        Fix frontpanel support for DM8000,
        modified behaviour on hardware with single frontpanel led (disabled in standby)

    cvs 20090525
    drivers 20090514 (also ok with drivers 20090520)

    cvs 20090524
    drivers 20090514

    It's all ok

    Zitat von tero_

    ]Is this related to the thing that if you have CF mounted in the box, then /dev/discs/disc0 is is the CF?
    If you remove the CF, then /dev/discs/disc0 is actually the HDD.

    I had to change the /etc/fstab /media/hdd mount too to disc1.
    This is with Experimental image 27.4.2009, and has been quite some time!

    I solved removing the CF!

    The fstab of dm7025 :

    /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /media/hdd auto defaults              0 0
    /dev/ide/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /media/cf auto  defaults              0 0
    /dev/ide/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/disc /media/cf auto  defaults             0 0
    /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /media/usb auto defaults           0 0
    /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc  /media/usb auto defaults           0 0

    How do you change the mount dell'hdd in disc1??? No /dev/discs/disc0/part1 string..

    But this problems should resolve the DMM!


    This don't work... :loudly_crying_face:

    ..and into new images the problem is not resolved !!!!