well, we are sure because we know the e2 developers by name, and they all have new jobs.
dream property is closed according to official documents. the new dreambox trademark owner is it-power-technology, also according to offficial documents.
so, there is a completely new start of the dreambox trademark with new owning company, android box, and no e2 legacy. that's the way it is and we have to live with it, whether we like it or not.
This is clearly beyond your comprehension
As a professional hacker.
If this happens, I don't think users will have permission to control their devices anymore.
They will lose control of everything ... they will not be able to install any external plugins, skins, emulators, backups, ... their devices will become part of his mind.
I don't think there is a normal person who would accept this abnormal life.
It's pointless to argue with someone who's uneducated. Let's discuss this with someone who knows what they're talking about