Posts by vyperX

    well, we are sure because we know the e2 developers by name, and they all have new jobs.

    dream property is closed according to official documents. the new dreambox trademark owner is it-power-technology, also according to offficial documents.

    so, there is a completely new start of the dreambox trademark with new owning company, android box, and no e2 legacy. that's the way it is and we have to live with it, whether we like it or not. :smiling_face:

    This is clearly beyond your comprehension

    As a professional hacker. :winking_face:

    If this happens, I don't think users will have permission to control their devices anymore. :grinning_squinting_face:

    They will lose control of everything ... they will not be able to install any external plugins, skins, emulators, backups, ... their devices will become part of his mind. :upside_down_face:

    I don't think there is a normal person who would accept this abnormal life. :smiling_face:

    It's pointless to argue with someone who's uneducated. Let's discuss this with someone who knows what they're talking about

    How can you be so sure? Do you have any official sources for that? It's like the rumors about the company going bankrupt. Everyone was saying it was about to close, but then they announced a new Android box model. We'll just have to wait and see

    When did I say all developers? Did I mention you, gutemine, or mechatron? I was referring to other brands entirely. In response to the previous post, aren't VU+ developers working for money? So why are users of their devices using images created by the Open ATV team's captain? It's not just about money. I want to reiterate that Dreambox developers are incredibly professional and skilled. All of us, including every member of other Linux-based brands, owe a debt to Dreambox and its talented development team. If it weren't for Dreambox, Linux-based receivers wouldn't exist. Please don't take this personally. My argument is with the developers who created Enigma2 and its derivatives!

    vyperX : There's a lot of prejudice in your statement. just because other devs are not paid for working on e2 it does not mean that they are not professional devs.

    What valuable contribution do you think a brand like VU+ has made to Enigma? Let's be real, they're just in it for the money. Take a look at their software updates for 2023. Open community teams like Open ATV are doing a far better job. I'm not talking about teams like Open ATV; I'm directly referring to money-grabbing brands like VU+

    Unfortunately, many people still fail to grasp the distinction between the OE environment and Enigma2. All other brands utilize Dreambox's 2011 software with minor modifications in OE, employing outdated drivers for various brands. In contrast, Dreambox is continually evolving Enigma2, while OE is operating within the Enigma2 framework. Dreambox's Enigma is incomparable to previous Enigma versions. Moreover, Dreambox's professional developers are vastly superior to the amateur OE2 developers

    Wird sich zeigen. Der Versuch ist zumindest erst einmal nicht strafbar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    If you're unhappy, don't use it. You can leave the forum. We don't need your silly explanations. Anyone who's unhappy can make us happy by saying goodbye. It's simple

    ist closed source... daher zum basteln nicht geeignet.

    And you, who were so eager for Dreambox to fail and shut down, constantly providing your ridiculous comments. If I were the super admin, you'd be the first person kicked out of the forum

    Warum feuert der Superadministrator diesen Alpha-Nutzer (blöder Idiot) nicht?

    Alles, was er tut, ist die Dreambox-Marke zu zerstören.

    Use other brands so much. Why do you make vain posts?

    The creator of Enigma2 is Dreambox, and now other brands are horned for him.