Beiträge von max95100

    hello, I have a similar problem with recording to an external drive in my DM ONE.

    I am using the original image from the dreambox website, I have a 1TB external drive connected to the USB3 port. The disk has been initialized and mounted to the / media / hdd directory. The HDD is properly detected, but I can't burn anything anyway.

    A few weeks ago I was recording to this hdd normally, so I checked the image I was using up to then. Recording does not work on any original image, but it works on image dreambox elite. I tught I might need some plugins on the original image to be able to record? So far, after pressing the record button, it shows to me in the upper right corner of the icon as in the attached screenshot

    Is it possible to start recording on the original image without adding external feeds?

    For some time I noticed that one of the channels on my cable cable was jamming on the DM ONE. This channel is not broadcast as standard, and DM ONE is the only receiver on Enigima that gives an image on this channel. So it didn't make me suspicious. But today I noticed a similar jam on two channels from the hotbird satellite.


    Polonia 1

    DVB-S2 8PSK

    11,661 V

    sr 27500

    fec 3/4

    It is not a question of a weak signal because the signal is good. I have a feeling this may be a codec problem. Because the jamming does not occur all the time, only during some broadcasts. (now more often on Tele5)

    hello, I have a problem with recording to an external drive in my DM ONE.

    I am using the original image from the dreambox website, I have a 1TB external drive connected to the USB3 port. The disk has been initialized and mounted to the / media / hdd directory. The HDD is properly detected, but I can't burn anything anyway.

    A few weeks ago I was recording to this hdd normally, so I checked the image I was using up to then. Recording does not work on any original image, but it works on image dreambox elite. I tught I might need some plugins on the original image to be able to record? So far, after pressing the record button, it shows to me in the upper right corner of the icon as in the attached screenshot

    Hi, I'm probably aiming too high. But since we have a receiver on linux, why not have linux applications at hand?

    More and more popular under Linux is the flatpak or snap repo. (I don't know why but flatpak is better for me). It's nice if it was possible to install the application from a flatpack.

    Try to imagine:

    Working KODI application, updated from flathub repo

    The ability to run spotify

    Boxes ONE and TWO have built-in bluetooth, it would be nice to play supertux or openarena with a bluetooth pad.

    I'm just afraid that our receivers in hardware may not be able to cope with it. Although ubuntu has already tried something with flatpack support on arm64

    But if it was possible to install flathub applications on dreambox os, we would have something that others do not have :smiling_face:

    I managed to solve the problem completely as I like, i.e. without installing external add-ons

    1. Enable "Alternate Radio Mode" in: Menu -> Configuration -> System -> Configuration

    2. To get to the alternate radio mode on the original RC20 remote control without installing external add-ons, simply press the "Help" button and select "Show radio player..."

    Thank you all for your help, I learned some interesting things.

    However, to be honest, I was hoping that since this forum is given on the manufacturer's website, and there is a topic containing software bugs. I was hoping that sometimes someone responsible for the original pure dreambox os would look here and respond to user feedback.

    I installed a GP4.1 today and played with the radio a bit.

    Using the remote key to change the TV/Radio mode and using the Menu to do this mixes up the settings a bit. e.g. when I entered the radio mode from the button and then entered the radio through the Menu, after pressing Exit instead of deleting the OSD or returning to the previous radio mode, I went to the TV mode with such a difference that when I wanted to display the list of channels being in TV mode showed me a list of radio channels.

    In general, I think that the Radio function is something that every receiver has at the factory. If there is a problem with this function, it should be considered in the system update. I also thank the person responsible for the plugins that fix the system when something is wrong, but the manufacturer should also do something about it.

    Das ist RDS und ja das ist da bescheiden weil das jetzt auch dort eingeblendet wird im Hintergrund und der Systemskin transparent ist ,daher hat man das dann im Hintergrund mit ,das kommt seit einer geraumen Zeit weil Dream da etwas abgeändert hat.

    Bei anderen Skins die diesen Screen anderst geskinnt haben ist das nicht so :winking_face:

    Und wie schon geschrieben man kann mit Lost Keys sich auch die Radiotaste wieder geben lassen und dann den alternativen Radiomodus schalten wo man dann auch Audiotaste nutzen kann :winking_face:

    Und auch andere RadioPlugins kann man nutzen wo dann auch Audiospur wählen geht wenn man welche zur Verfügung hat und da kann man dann auch noch mehr machen als nur DVB Radio hören und nutzen :winking_face:

    I would prefer to continue to run the radio from the Menu, because I think it's a good idea, but this forced OSD is unnecessary.

    I don't want to use DEP or GP 4.1. Because they are poorly translated into my language, unlike the original image. So that after installing GP 4.1 or DEP you can see that they do not fit too much to the whole.

    In addition, some stations send a text message, which only on Enigma I manage to receive. In the case of an active OSD, this message is duplicated, which does not look aesthetically pleasing


    Możesz także ponownie mieć funkcje przycisku radiowego z nowymi zdalnymi warunkami, w których te przyciski już nie istnieją, a gutemine zbudował wtyczkę utraconych kluczy.

    Następnie możesz również włączyć normalny (nie alternatywny) tryb radiowy (który jest wtedy podobny do funkcji telewizora).

    Ponadto istnieją np. rozszerzenie Dreamnetcast od GP Team, dzięki czemu można również korzystać ze stacji radiowych DVB, a nawet więcej, a także innych funkcji, więc jest wystarczająco dużo opcji, że można słuchać radia i dobrze korzystać z Dreamboxów z DreamOS.

    And will you tell me how to install this plugin on the original image, without using external feeds (GP Team, DEP)?

    And why can't this be corrected from the dreambox os update? you just need to support yourself with external plugins

    Za pomocą klawiatury lub pilota internetowego masz przycisk radiowy z powrotem i możesz użyć "Alternatywnego trybu radiowego".

    Przełącz ścieżki audio za pomocą RCU.

    pozdrawiam pclin

    Udało mi się, po ustawieniu opcji "alternatywny tryb radiowy", jednak jest to tylko obejście. Ponieważ muszę mieć telefon lub komputer pod ręką, aby zalogować się do webif. A z pilotem, który jest podłączony do odbiornika nie mogę zrobić. Bardzo podoba mi się pomysł uruchomienia radia z menu. do tej pory moje wcześniejsze odbiorniki miały przycisk na pilocie, gorzej, jeśli wcisnął się przez przypadek, a później szukałeś wyjścia do telewizora. Po prostu niech radio nie straci swojej użyteczności

    Dir ist aber schon klar das dies alles Erweiterungen sind die von Usern stammen die halt rein garnix mit Dream (also Firma) zu tun haben ,das sind keine Angestellten von Dream sondern User die etwas schönes für die Dreamboxen und DreamOS bauen und sie bekommen dafür auch kein Geld sondern machen es freiwillig als Freizeit Projekt.

    Diese User sind in ihren Foren tätig und Dream kennt auch nicht alle diese Erweiterungen also warum soll hier dann von fremden die tutorial angehängt werden?

    Der Support dafür wird in den Foren geben wo die Erweiterungen her kommen ,da meist sehr genau und auch bebildert und mit vielen ,sehr vielen Infos ,daher schaut euch in den Boards um da wo die Sachen herkommen die ihr gern haben möchtet oder mal gesehen habt ,da bekommt ihr auch den nötigen support und Infos und nicht in Foren wie die Open /nicht DreamOS Foren wo garnicht gewusst wird was es alles so gibt für DreamOS sondern wo etwas angeboten wird das eure Box auch noch unbrauchbar gemacht wird.

    Because it is to this forum that the user looking for support is redirected directly from the manufacturer's website. I'd love to do something like that, but I'm a beginner myself. DM One is my first dreambox that I have been using and it has only been for 4 months. And I realize that my knowledge is still negligible and not once again this equipment will surprise me.

    You are right that such a tutorial should be prepared by the author of the plugin, the problem is that the new user himself may not be aware of what can be done on this device additionally and on what forums to look for add-ons.

    Maybe instead create a post with information about recommended image for DM based on dreambox os? eg what interesting additions can be found in them :thinking_face:

    Initially, I used image DEP and GP4.1, but there were a lot of add-ons that I don't use, and the ones I use I learned how to install on the original image. And I like this minimalism, the fact does not have too many possibilities of configuration, but want what is, is correctly translated, unlike what I had on other boxes.

    only people think so; "I started with some cheap box, eg zgeema ax or other ... I can use enigma2, I'll buy something better" and the stairs begin, because even here the image is uploaded differently. It doesn't bother me because I like to learn new things, but not necessarily other users will like it. I regret that in my country they focus mainly on VU +, because in my opinion enigma2 belongs to Dreambox. But when someone who has just bought a new DM "spoils" something, he is immediately hated and has to ask for help, discouraged by this forum and the dreambox brand, strengthening the position of other manufacturers. Therefore, it would be nice if there was a tutorial on what to do when ... I have the receiver stuck, I want to load another soft, how to add a gutemine feed to the original image, how to run Netflix on the original image, how to run kodi in the original image or other useful and described plugins. And if such a post were pinned at the very top of each DM model, it would really help the new person move from open source to dreambox

    I agree with you, but I know what drives people who buy new dreamboxes. Because I have recently processed it myself

    1. They are advertised as boxes with the fastest processor

    2. Compared to other manufacturers, they are relatively new.

    3. Their price suggests that it is a premium product.

    They buy such a box and when something does not suit them in the original image (usually no softcam) they look for forums they know from previous boxes, and here's a surprise, they are not supported by other communities. Whoever is more inventive will search on google and find a non-working image.

    I can understand that dreambox does not provide the basics of its new products, but other people switching from open source already have a problem with it

    it can be compared to a situation where a PC user switched to a MAC while still using the powerPC architecture. The user bought equipment that cost much more and then could not use it because he could not upload windows.