Teletext subtitles too long on screen and other subtitle bugs

  • In case when there is a teletext subtitle and there is no succeeder subtitle the text is displayed too long on screen. In addition the subtitles are all displayed in blue. White is a better choise.

    Currently on Discovery HD for the Netherlands has subtitles in Teletext and DVB. Both you can select, but nothing is displayes while a TopField receiver does show them. These subtitles are most likely a plan to share Discovery HD with SkyLink.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    what kind of image you use?

    Have you checked latest release or experimental image? I have fixed some subtitles issues one month ago (February 21 2009).

    When this problems also with a current image exist, it would be nice when you can do a recording with enigma2 and upload it. Then i can try to fix the issue(s).

    Please contact me via PN to get a ftp account where you can upload the TS.


  • It is with the latest experimental. You have it e.g. on the new History for the Dutch package. I understand it is incrypted for you and in addition I do not know were to put a recording for you. In addition the subtitles do appear in light blue and shadowed and not in white and shadowed.

  • Ghost,

    I cannot see any PM.

    I saw in Februari there were some changes regards HBO. Those will not solve the blue colored subtitles and the "time-out". If have the idea that the subtitles are on the screen twice as they should be in time. This is not for DVB graphic subtitles, but for teletext subtitles.

  • Fremd da PM eingeschalted ist (jetzt habe ich auch notifocation by email/popup eingeschalted). Anders schick mahl bitte eine email.

    Heute mit History (NL) is est besser. Aber die untertitle sind noch immer blauw. Dass ist bei jedem Sender.