Verbesserung der movieliste im standard-skin / CVS

  • The symbols indicate how much of the recording you (appear to) have watched. So if you're halfway, you get the half moon symbol. The read dot is for a "brand new" recording.

    Create your own icons and send them to me if you think you can do better.

  • Is this really important to see how much percent I have already watched from a movie?
    For me it would be enough to see if I have already watched the movie or not (maybe red and green)... and what does the blue symbol mean?

    MfG Ali

    DM8000 | DM8000 | DM500HD | DM500HD | DM7020S

    while [ 1 ]
    	echo "i love my dreams!!!"
    	sleep 1
  • For many users it's a nice feature to see whether they were halfway through or finished watching an event. Me and my wife like it a lot - we can immediately see where we stopped last time. It's particularly helpful when there are multiple users interested in separate events.

    The blue icon means that either:
    - You started playback but stopped playing in less than a minute.
    - You played the recording until the very end
    - Some software 'touched' the files in a way that i cannot interpret
    - I have to change something in Enigma to draw the correct conclusion.

    Since this is ongoing work, the blue icon will eventually be replaced...