EPG.db to EPG.dat

  • Hi,

    I noticed that when I use DreamOS image, the total size of "epg.db" file is about 20MB, but when I use the open source images, the total size of "epg.dat" file is about 8MB!

    Is there a plugin, command or way to convert an epg file from .db to .dat in DreamOS image?

    Thanks in advance.

  • When the size of EPG file exceeds 10 MB, it becomes an overload on the processor and memory, and the device becomes slow when in use and takes longer to restart or shut down.

  • What is the difference between .dat and .db ? What's special about .db ?!

    From my experience as a user I find that .dat is best for receivers with limited space, it takes up less size and doesn't consume a lot of resources, unlike .db when it exceeds 20MB it consume a lot of resources... CPU, RAM and Storage.

  • Es geht nicht darum, was besser ist.

    DreamOS verwendet die db und keine dat.

    Das lässt sich dort auch nicht ändern.

    Gruß Sven (aka Dreamy)

    DM920 mit unstable OE2.5 DP
    One mit unstable OE2.6 DP

  • i doubt that 20 mb is a problem for the box...

    as this is an sql database there is no way to reduce the size.

    in the settings i think you can define for how many days epg is loaded.

  • When you have a motorized dish and the file size is 200MB or more, I think there will be a problem and there should be an option in the system to compress the file as well as an option to specify the number of days.

    I think it's the task of new developers if they will continue to support DreamOS.

    I think superadmin can explain this better if he can give us more details about the future of DreamOS.

  • Und was gefällt dir unter der Epg Einstellung im Setup unter "Anpassen" nicht ?

    Da kannst einstellen für wieviel Tage du epg laden magst und für wieviel Stunden du veralteten epg behalten möchtest und dann wird der alte epg auch überschrieben mit neuem .

    Dort kannst du seit vielen Jahren das ganze einstellen und deine epg Datenbank im dreamos auch gut nutzen.

    Du hast aber wohl keine Ahnung von dem was man wie nutzen kann und schreibst hier dann er Blödsinn.

    Arbeitet man damit richtig dann gibt es da auch keine Probleme (bzw. sehr selten ) .

  • You can always use an Open* image. They are based on older sources with the dat file. But I really don't get your drama here.


    Boxen (im Einsatz): DM920, DM900, DMOne
    Developer Project Merlin - we are OpenSource

  • I expected these comments, so I said this (it's the task of new developers).

    If you read my comments carefully and understand correctly what I mean you will find that there is no Blödsinn or drama here!

    You'll understand why I said superadmin can explain this better about why this option is important for devices with limited space, and whether it's possible or not.

  • well, let's wait for his answer...

    but i still think that you are wrong about problems with the size of the sql database.

    i have a database with

    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root     2327437312 Oct 27 18:28 mediacockpit.db

    2 gb that works without problems.

  • I noticed that when I use DreamOS image, the total size of "epg.db" file is about 20MB, but when I use the open source images, the total size of "epg.dat" file is about 8MB!

    Is there a plugin, command or way to convert an epg file from .db to .dat in DreamOS image?

    Thats bullshit, there is absolutely no issue with a epg.db > 20MB

    DreamOS uses an SQL database to store the EPG, you cannot convert it nor does it need any compression.

    If you think your database is too large then use the settings as zombi mentioned, if you just store 1 day your database will get much smaller, but as said there is no issue with that size you've mentioned.

  • Andro1

    It seems you are talking about limited space devices.

    I have dm520 if you are talking about it, your comments seem to be true for it.

    My EPG file when it reaches 15 mb on DreamOS, it doesn't cause any issues but the device seems a bit slow when using, and when reboot or standby, the Spinner appears for a short time.

    On open source like OpenATV, the EPG file is up to 5 mb and Spinner doesn't appear on reboot or standby.

    As for the method mentioned by zombi , I applied it on DreamOS and there was no difference or change in the size of my EPG file.

    I just wanted to share my experience if it could help here.

    Best regards.

  • Keep outdated EPG (in hours)

    Allows you to control how long old EPG data will be stored before it is considered invalid and automatically deleted from the system. If you set it to 12, this will keep the old EPG data for 12 hours, which will increase the size of the EPG file. Therefore, (If you don't plan to record shows) it is better to set it to 0, which means that the system will not keep any old EPG data. The current data will remain, but when it expires (such as when a show ends), it will be deleted from memory, no outdated EPG data will be kept.

    Edited 2 times, last by Andro1 ().