You don't get my statement. I was referring to your statement that all "amateur" devs are not as good as the dream devs were. I highly doubted your statement! Not sure if you have ever heard of gutemine, Dr.Best, mechatron, ...they all have provided a lot for Dreamboxes and I would call them highly skilled devs.
The fate of old devices
When did I say all developers? Did I mention you, gutemine, or mechatron? I was referring to other brands entirely. In response to the previous post, aren't VU+ developers working for money? So why are users of their devices using images created by the Open ATV team's captain? It's not just about money. I want to reiterate that Dreambox developers are incredibly professional and skilled. All of us, including every member of other Linux-based brands, owe a debt to Dreambox and its talented development team. If it weren't for Dreambox, Linux-based receivers wouldn't exist. Please don't take this personally. My argument is with the developers who created Enigma2 and its derivatives!
There are no more Dreambox developers. At least the old ones are all gone and have new jobs.
How can you be so sure? Do you have any official sources for that? It's like the rumors about the company going bankrupt. Everyone was saying it was about to close, but then they announced a new Android box model. We'll just have to wait and see
well, we are sure because we know the e2 developers by name, and they all have new jobs.
dream property is closed according to official documents. the new dreambox trademark owner is it-power-technology, also according to offficial documents.
so, there is a completely new start of the dreambox trademark with new owning company, android box, and no e2 legacy. that's the way it is and we have to live with it, whether we like it or not.
Why do you think it's over?!!
Isn't it possible that the new administration has appointed other professional developers?!!
I see that you are as pessimistic as those who used to say that Dreambox is dead and will never come back!!
You have to be patient. I think the new administration will not repeat the same previous mistakes, and it is possible that before the end of the year there will be an update to (Rescue Loader) and then new images will be released... Why not?
there will be an update to (Rescue Loader
ah, sounds like you guys have hired gutemine as a new professional developer
billigen china schrott braucht keiner mit geklautem marken name (der gar nicht verwendet werden dürfte)
ah, sounds like you guys have hired gutemine as a new professional developer
As a professional hacker.
If this happens, I don't think users will have permission to control their devices anymore.
They will lose control of everything ... they will not be able to install any external plugins, skins, emulators, backups, ... their devices will become part of his mind.
I don't think there is a normal person who would accept this abnormal life.
billigen china schrott braucht keiner mit geklautem marken name (der gar nicht verwendet werden dürfte)
Erläutere mal näher deine Äusserung zu "geklautem Markennamen" -
...geklautem marken name (der gar nicht verwendet werden dürfte)
Ist das so? Ist der Markenname geschützt bzw. IP und die Firma, die damit wirbt, hat kein Recht zur Verwendung?
imho ist der markenname dreambox regulaer an it-power-technology uebergegangen.
well, we are sure because we know the e2 developers by name, and they all have new jobs.
dream property is closed according to official documents. the new dreambox trademark owner is it-power-technology, also according to offficial documents.
so, there is a completely new start of the dreambox trademark with new owning company, android box, and no e2 legacy. that's the way it is and we have to live with it, whether we like it or not.
This is clearly beyond your comprehension
As a professional hacker.
If this happens, I don't think users will have permission to control their devices anymore.
They will lose control of everything ... they will not be able to install any external plugins, skins, emulators, backups, ... their devices will become part of his mind.
I don't think there is a normal person who would accept this abnormal life.
It's pointless to argue with someone who's uneducated. Let's discuss this with someone who knows what they're talking about
I heard from someone who said that somebody told me that I was informed by someone who claimed that it was brought to my attention that an acquaintance reported that someone mentioned to me, maybe about a new and better Dreambox on sale, that I heard someone say I should get a hint that somebody thought I actually already knew nothing!
I heard from someone who said that somebody told me that I was informed by someone who claimed that it was brought to my attention that an acquaintance reported that someone mentioned to me, maybe about a new and better Dreambox on sale, that I heard someone say I should get a hint that somebody thought I actually already knew nothing!
jetzt hab ich einen Knoten im Gehirn.
As a professional hacker.
If this happens, I don't think users will have permission to control their devices anymore.
They will lose control of everything ... they will not be able to install any external plugins, skins, emulators, backups, ... their devices will become part of his mind.
I don't think there is a normal person who would accept this abnormal life.
Was für ein Schwachsinn, den du da gepostet hast. Nichts, rein gar nichts wird durch die neuen RL kontrolliert. Du kannst damit flashen, was du willst, und auch ganz normal Backups damit erstellen. Ich wusste auch noch gar nicht, dass man mit dem RL Plugins, Skins oder Softcams installiert. Zusätzlich hast du im Expertenbereich noch mehr Möglichkeiten, für weitere Einstellungen, die eigentlich mit dem AIO Image alle noch kommen sollten.
Wo du vielleicht einen Punkt hast wäre, wenn du den gutemine Feed und dessen Plugins benutzen willst. Der kontrolliert natürlich, was für externe Plugins von bestimmten Usern installiert werden. Das sind meistens User, die einen Scheiß auf Lizenzen geben, und sich ständig ungefragt am Code seiner Plugins vergreifen. Dass ihm diese User ein Dorn im Auge sind, ist doch wohl klar. Zuletzt hat er ja sogar einen Zeitraum vorgegeben, wo gar nichts blockiert wurde, um zu zeigen, wie es gehen könnte, wenn ihm keiner ans Bein pisst. Aber dann dauert es keine 14 Tage, und seine Freunde treiben ihr Spiel munter weiter.
Also unterlasse hier bitte deine Falschaussagen.
It's pointless to argue with someone who's uneducated. Let's discuss this with someone who knows what they're talking about
You're right, there's no need to argue with these people, it seems that there are a lot of them here.
Bringt nur nichts bei den Leuten welche ihre Box über 1 jahr bei Dream liegen hatten und Unrepariert zurück erhalten haben
Die sind schon aus der Garantie raus
Zu dem kommt auch noch die Frage nach Ersatzteilen ob Satco da noch etwas hat wage ich mal zu Bezweifeln
Frag doch bei Satco nach und du hast deine Antwort - und wenn du sie gern mit der Community teilen möchtest kannst es dann gern hier tun
Ansonsten ist es ja wieder üblich das man hier nur Spekulationen verbreitet