WARNING: Misuse of bainit and barryallen binaries in NOT AUTHORIZED Plugins

  • Hi!

    Because the number of users who try to multiboot their Dreambox with Plugins which use NOT AUTHORIZED copies of my bainit and barryallen binary I have to post this WARNING!

    My bainit and barryallen binaries are ONLY safe to be used and run with the latest version of these binaries itself within the latest Version of my BarryAllen Plugin installed in a DreamOS based FLASH image!

    THEIR work is therefore a MISUSE of MY work without AUTHORIZATION!

    The providers of such plugins either try to use old, outdated binaries which are NOT supporting flash layout of latest Dreamboxes OR they pretend that they have overcome the built-in copy and misuse protection, or they give advice on how to patch checks out of my Feed Plugin and my other Plugins which PROTECTS the users agains the consequences of such misuse.

    DO NOT trust them, because instead they are intentinally risking to DAMAGE your box beyond the capabilities to repair for a normal user.

    Instead of stopping such misbehaviour they try to open threads in this and other boards under various usernames, where they innocently ask for help on how to repair their own and their users boxes which 'suddenly' are not booting anymore.

    This is NOT an acceptable approach to cover their misbehaviour and wrongdoing!


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von gutemine ()

  • gutemine

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „WARNING: Misuse of bainit ands barryallen binaries in NOT AUTHORIZED Plugins“ zu „WARNING: Misuse of bainit and barryallen binaries in NOT AUTHORIZED Plugins“ geändert.
  • Reichi

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.