This error is also returned if a skin of a plugin or skin_user uses a named color that is not defined in the currently active skin

SkinReloader-Plugin (DreamOS)
Yes i have wrote this before
QuoteThe error is only if you use a unknown colorname in the color-value or you have forget the "#" in the color-value.
But why the raise SkinError not contains the color-value in the error-Message ? There is show only the original message from code.
May 24 11:28:41 dreambox enigma2 [3320]: raise SkinError ("color '% s' must be #aarrggbb or valid named color"% (str))
On this error-message i don't know on which color i got this error
Ok, the log-output is only from the traceback an is not the real e2-log-output frpm the skinError.
I run into this issue on the Dreambox UltraHD with Dream-Elite7 longtime ago when using zombi skin with styles.
There i hade to physical add the colour name into the Dream-Elite skin.xml (default skin) file else the Style crashed in the same way.
So for Peter pan we where trying to work around this by loading a external xml file for plugins and skin default
This would prevent the issue that dre is writing about and have worked just fine
So i did the same. added menutext colour code to the skin.xml of the default skin and then all works fine again.
Now i only get an error from the infobar reaload.
AttributeError: 'InfoBar' object has no attribute 'unhandledKeyDialog'
Sorry, i don't know what you have changed in your Image.
On original DreamOS i don't have this error.
All works fine if i leave the infobar unchecked. Then the skin reloads but with the infobar checked i get this error.
But don't put to much into this, Since we can establish that the plugin works as it should. It's my mod of the DreamOS image that does not play ball.
Not that easy to create a plugin that can handle all Cowboys builds also
Display MoreMay 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: action -> ColorActions green May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: create buffer for widget 684 x 300 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [SkinReloader] start reload Skin: new_name, current_name: 'None' skin.xml May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: not loading user skin: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/skin_user.xml' May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Display) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Regular) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf...OK (LCD) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Display) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Keyboard: 26 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Bigger: 24 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Big: 22 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Medium: 20 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Small: 18 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Smaller: 14 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: Traceback (most recent call last): May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: File "", line 474, in SkinReloader.SkinReload.reloadSkin2 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/skin_oled/fonts/LoSoS.ttf...OK (LCD1) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Display) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Regular) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf...OK (LCD) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Display) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Keyboard: 26 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Bigger: 24 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Big: 22 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Medium: 20 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Small: 18 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: I/ [loadSingleSkinData] :: ########### ADDING Smaller: 14 May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/skin_oled/fonts/LoSoS.ttf...OK (LCD1) May 24 14:36:19 dreambox enigma2[1120]: AttributeError: 'InfoBar' object has no attribute 'unhandledKeyDialog'
Just as an update....
The important thing for me was the syntax check and that works just perfect so for me the plugin does the work even on my Cowboy build
This is a skinners dream to have smart plugin like this to check for misspellings and wrong use of syntax
So thanks Sven for just another amazing quality work
You are one of the best plugin makers
Most of your works are essential and practical for the Dreambox users
Thanks for your effort
Isn't it possible in the future to have this plugin in dm820?
& I have also another question about CSP
didn't want to ask two times in separate thread just excuse☺️
Isn't it possible to add functionality for moving channels in group ways, I mean like (DreamEdit) not one by one
...Isn't it possible in the future to have this plugin in dm820?
Why you can't use this Plugin on dm820?
I think, this plugin should also works on dm820 if you have installed DreamOS OE2.5.
QuoteI have also another question about CSP
didn't want to ask two times in separate thread just excuse☺️
Isn't it possible to add functionality for moving channels in group ways, I mean like (DreamEdit) not one by one
This functionality is not planned.
Why you can't use this Plugin on dm820?
I think, this plugin should also works on dm820 if you have installed DreamOS OE2.5.
dm820 is a mipsel box, the plugin is only available for armhf and arm64, so he can't use it.
Ok, Thanks for the info .
I hadn't thought of that.
Because i don't have a dm820, i can't create a plugin-so-File for this box.
So this plugin only works on armhf and arm64 boxes.
Notice for AIO-Image on One/Two:
On AIO-Image for One/Two the box freeze if you want to change to a skin with other resolution.
This is a "bug" of aio-image, which should fix in next versions, but then dream property gave up, before fix this.