Optical audio aut to db8000 problem

  • Hi friend, i have a problem in my DB8000. The exit audio digital optical not working why?

    i have connect toslink cable to Dream
    and out from the connector toslink cable red light is ok
    my playback device (i.e. sound system) is ok
    My config
    In menu audio option select Ac3
    AC3 default --yes
    AC3 downmix -yes
    Please help me.

  • Probably you find out already, that you have to turn AC3 downmix off.

    DM920 UHD * Triple S2/S2X/C/T2+Dual C/T2 * HDD3TB
    Terrestrial, Cable, 0.9W, 5E, 13E, 19.2E, 28.2E

  • nope, even when downmix is ON he should hear audio, but just 2CH Stereo Sound then.

    There comes always sound out of the optical, no matter what settings you use. There are only 2 ways to mute the optical-out. Pressing MUTE Button or setting Volume to 0.

    Check settings on your Sound-System, if possible try another Device (DVD Player or whatever) on the same input of your soundsystem to make sure you don't have wrong settings or input selected there ..

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • Have you tried with a channel/video file that has normal stereo sound?
    Do you have other S/PDIF equipment connected to your audio system?