SKIN: selectionPixmap and transparency

  • I am experiemnting with making selextionPixmap graphics transparent in my skin. I have made pixmaps that look like glass. This works very nicely with lists not using render="Listbox" with TemplatedMultiContent converter. With these lists the pixmap gets transparent, but its only transparent into the multicontent items, an not further back to my background image.

    Is there attributes to use for this to work as it does for normal lists? Or is the limitation within python stuff?

    - FoxyRabbit - Peter Pan team -

  • Yes sorry @m0rphU!

    Picture with working transparent selectionPixmap is a normal list looking very nice. We can see background through the glass (selectionPixmap).

    <widget name="config" position="70,160" size="695,390" itemHeight="30" selectionPixmap="PP-Standard-HD/selectionPixmap/selectionPixmap30x695.png" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" enableWrapAround="1" backgroundColor="Listbackground" transparent="1" />

    The second picture is a rendered Listbox converted with TemplatedMultiContent. The selection graphic gets tranparent, but we now see the defined sizes of the content inside. And its not even tranparent to the bakground image. This problem is for every screen with rendered Listbox I have tested.

    <widget source="menu" render="Listbox" position="50,120" size="422,480" selectionPixmap="PP-Standard-HD/selextionPixmap/selectionPixmap40x695.png" scrollbarMode="showNever" enableWrapAround="1" transparent="1"  >
    			<convert type="TemplatedMultiContent">
            {"template": [
                    MultiContentEntryText(pos = (32,5),size = (322,30),flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_TOP,text = 0),# index 0 is the MenuText,
            "fonts": [gFont("ppRegular",24)],
            "itemHeight": 40

    I have tried with many color attributes to see if I could get templated lists tranparent also, but with no luck.

    It would be awesome if there is a solution to this. :grinning_squinting_face: